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Women’s Day All Day Every Day

What can I say about women, on International Women’s Day, that hasn’t been said already? Oh, how about simply, a woman can carry another living thing in her womb and keep it alive for nine months — show her some respect. Boom! [mic drop]

Okay, it’s not a new “flex” but isn’t it just insane? I must say. And don’t even get me started on our lunar phases (it is quite the monthly bill). I think about our feminine nature often now that I’m getting older and have become more curious about aging, and I am just in complete awe of our strength; of how much we can endure physically and emotionally.

Add all that to the social struggles that some women face every day: domestic violence, racial discrimination, the gender pay gap… I mean, you name it. To quote Lily Allen, “it’s hard out here for a b*tch!” Women are an extraordinary force that should be celebrated every day.

I hope you feel empowered just knowing that you are a woman, women! The strength within you is immeasurable. No need to act small; use your power. You’re another star of the universe, deserving of and entitled to all of our human rights.

Happy Women’s Day, every day!

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