Illustrated Sentiments

I call them sketched feelings. Sometimes there are no feelings attached to it, but always an inspiration behind it. Go to my older blog to see my earlier ‘Story Of A Terrible Drawing’ illustrations here: SOATD

Bad-Ass Pope

Por favor, nunca se avergüencen de sus tradiciones. “Never be ashamed of your traditions/roots.” That was one of Pope Francis’ messages [on immigration] today — one of the many about-time-affirmations he’s made on behalf of the Catholic church. The main roads and bridges are shut down in Philadelphia due to the Papal visit; I can’t…

The Sky Up Above

Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis of humankind’s desire to understand.  I could take a picture of what I’m seeing on this beautiful evening, but I don’t have a NatGeo-type camera (aww). So, as always, I try my best to sketch it 😎 — the mystery that is the sky up above us….