
¿Cómo Se Dice…?

Every day week, I’ll post a Spanish word or phrase with its English equivalent or definition via my Instagram Story. If you miss it, most of those words or phrases will be posted here for reference. It’s a free daily Spanish lesson from me to you. 🙂 Happy learning! Spanish Word of the Day Como…

Who The Hell Am I – A Poem

This is yet another identity post. I often wonder, you see… “American” is broad, so I won’t go there Dominican by birth, but people don’t care. They think I’m Cubana, sometimes Colombiana Puerto Rican, Brazilian, even Peruana. In my grandpa’s blood, Asian; in my grandma’s, French African for sure; Spain brought in the slaves. “What…

Lost Bag
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Lost Bag

I always thought it must be an awful experience when an airline loses your bag, especially a bag with your most personal and expensive belongings, including any special souvenirs you purchased during your trip. I’d never had that problem; an airline has never lost my luggage—I lost it myself. First of all, I don’t know…

What Makes a Dancer?

What Makes a Dancer?

Not exactly the technique. A person can go to dance school for years, but if she doesn’t feel it; if she feels no passion come from within, she doesn’t deserve the title. I always remember a quote, attributed to Antonia Mercé “La Argentina” — a flamenco dancer “known for her creation of the neoclassical style…

It Is What It Is

It Is What It Is

Those were the heart wrenching last words a friend dying of brain cancer said to me. It wasn’t our whole conversation, but those words exactly — words of complete acceptance and resignation — are the ones that stuck with me. He was a bartender and was telling me about his mixology techniques while he fixed…

High Five

High Five

For finding the courage to let go of weaknesses however benign; thoughts of cake? Cigarettes? Drugs? Or maybe wine? High five! For getting your degree against all odds rubbing it in the face of those who said you wouldn’t get jobs. High five! For working out every day until seeing the results you wanted feeling…