
The Moment

La multitud te aclama: ¡Otra! ¡Otra! Y te quedas ahí, absorbiendo todo. Las miradas. El cariño. Los aplausos—hasta aquellos que aplauden solamente por pura borrachera. Eres dueña del momento. The crowd goes wild: One more! One more! And you just stand there, taking it all in (the moment). The gaze. The affection. The applause—even those…

Wooden Scars
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Wooden Scars

Lately, I find myself overly appreciating everything. Anything may turn into a lovely piece of art, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’ve learned to look at the positives in the not-so-positive moments, turning them into poetry or a symphony. I’ve learned to appreciate the smallest things. The other day, as I was doing…


Free Spirit

I wasn’t always free. The spirit of freedom slowly made its way in, year after year, removing the shame layer by layer, until a bare soul and a mind in the open remained. It made sense; carefree felt and looked better since.  

Neglected Flower

Neglected Flower

Sometimes in life we forget to care for things and people that should’ve been under our watchful eye all along. We neglect them. It’s also a very human behavior that, once we realize that something or someone is gone, we want to do anything in our power to get what’s lost back, to start over…