
The Moment

La multitud te aclama: ¡Otra! ¡Otra! Y te quedas ahí, absorbiendo todo. Las miradas. El cariño. Los aplausos—hasta aquellos que aplauden solamente por pura borrachera. Eres dueña del momento. The crowd goes wild: One more! One more! And you just stand there, taking it all in (the moment). The gaze. The affection. The applause—even those…

What Makes a Dancer?

What Makes a Dancer?

Not exactly the technique. A person can go to dance school for years, but if she doesn’t feel it; if she feels no passion come from within, she doesn’t deserve the title. I always remember a quote, attributed to Antonia Mercé “La Argentina” — a flamenco dancer “known for her creation of the neoclassical style…