
Pretty Even

Pretty Even

She remembers the times he rubbed it all in her face. Car payment, shopping sprees, fancy meals, his fancy place. Every argument led to one direction, “I’ve done so much for you; I’m the answer to your equation.” Repetitive words he said so often times, made her question decisions she made in her prime times….

Who The Hell Am I – A Poem

This is yet another identity post. I often wonder, you see… “American” is broad, so I won’t go there Dominican by birth, but people don’t care. They think I’m Cubana, sometimes Colombiana Puerto Rican, Brazilian, even Peruana. In my grandpa’s blood, Asian; in my grandma’s, French African for sure; Spain brought in the slaves. “What…

High Five

High Five

For finding the courage to let go of weaknesses however benign; thoughts of cake? Cigarettes? Drugs? Or maybe wine? High five! For getting your degree against all odds rubbing it in the face of those who said you wouldn’t get jobs. High five! For working out every day until seeing the results you wanted feeling…