
You Exist

You Exist

I have been invisible to guys like him even after physical introduction. It got me thinking, why would I let another human being make me feel smaller? Here’s to everyone who’s ever felt invisible: YOU EXIST, in all your glory. And the stars and the universe know about you — and they’re much, much, much…

Life Has a Funny Way – Excerpt
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Life Has a Funny Way – Excerpt

How could I have ignored the time Rey commented on my neighbors’ little sister’s physical appearance? “Man, she’s going to be a heartbreaker,” he said in a way that no grown eighteen-year-old male should be using to refer to a ten-year-old. I found the comment inappropriate, but said nothing. And, how about the time a…

Me Too – And Hear Me Out
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Me Too – And Hear Me Out

I learned about the terminology “Thirst trap” from my brother the other day. (I still laugh at those words, by the way.) All the brave women coming clean about their sexual assault or harassment experience these past weeks made me, once again, think of this social media–especially Instagram–slang. There’s this short story I read on…