
Wooden Scars
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Wooden Scars

Lately, I find myself overly appreciating everything. Anything may turn into a lovely piece of art, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’ve learned to look at the positives in the not-so-positive moments, turning them into poetry or a symphony. I’ve learned to appreciate the smallest things. The other day, as I was doing…


Free Spirit

I wasn’t always free. The spirit of freedom slowly made its way in, year after year, removing the shame layer by layer, until a bare soul and a mind in the open remained. It made sense; carefree felt and looked better since.  

Sin With Me?

Sin With Me?

When I was a little girl, I’d hear the word “pecado” (sin) on the daily. According to my elders, everything was a pecado. I was raised in a catholic family, and almost everything I did; everything I wanted, everything I thought, everything I DREAMED of, was considered a sin. So much, that I sometimes was…

Everlasting Memories

Memories are everything. I don’t think I appreciated the memories of the good times I’ve had with my loved ones as much as I do today. They’re everything to me. When I think about it, I just want to re-live those moments. Sometimes, I’m lying in bed, dead tired and ready to pass out, when…