

Across the Bed

On my back sometimes across the bed I lay, answers I search arms spread out, I’m down in defeat as if by doing so, life would change a bit Doesn’t it feel like the most comforting thing? Doesn’t it feel like the ceiling is listening? Maybe baring my soul for the unknown gives me some…

Internal Scream

Internal Scream

Someone once said that silence is the most powerful scream. The trick is knowing when someone really is just silent. A scream has many faces, many ways of interpretation. A scream has the habit of disguising itself as a greeting face. Big parenthesis from ear to ear may as well be deep marionette lines, but…

The Sky Up Above

Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis of humankind’s desire to understand.  I could take a picture of what I’m seeing on this beautiful evening, but I don’t have a NatGeo-type camera (aww). So, as always, I try my best to sketch it 😎 — the mystery that is the sky up above us….

Pretty Even

Pretty Even

She remembers the times he rubbed it all in her face. Car payment, shopping sprees, fancy meals, his fancy place. Every argument led to one direction, “I’ve done so much for you; I’m the answer to your equation.” Repetitive words he said so often times, made her question decisions she made in her prime times….


Getting to Know Sara

Since she was eight years old, Sara has never lived in any country for more than three consecutive years. It is constant moving for her and her ambassador parents. She studied at many international schools, from London to Australia, and she speaks five languages: Italian, French, African, English, and now Spanish. Sara just moved to…