
Better Than – Poem

Better Than – Poem

I deserved better. better than those crumbs better than the lies you fed me about work at the epicenter of lock-down I deserved an explanation for her late-night calls and her gleaming smirk when little did I know you two still talked I deserved better than a one-day notice and a one-sided story about us…

Life: detour ahead

Life: detour ahead

Life is queer and heavy sometimes. You just never know what paths you’ll have to take, if you’ll wake up one morning needing an embrace. Because one day you’re on top of the world, feeling unbreakable, and the next you’re back at the starting line, weak and lost. We’re so fragile, so ephemeral, we act…

The hidden engagement

The hidden engagement

Social media — where to begin? I found myself inspired to write about it today and highlight some things about the story feature. When Instagram first adopted the disappearing story thing back in 2016, which they snatched from Snapchat, I thought it was cool because I’d been wanting to try it but didn’t want to…

Women Pleasers

Women Pleasers

I watched a stand up special with Iliza Schlesinger, where she was her usual hilarious self, and thought I’d add this sound to my sketch video — because it is so true! While I so want all my ladies to slayyy all the way, I do think we overdo it sometimes, maybe for fear of…

Love at Every Sight

Love at Every Sight

I can’t really explain. All I know is all of my senses heighten when I see a flower, a sunset, some works of arts — although this is arguably also a work of art…by nature.  And that leads me to this question: are we complementing nature when we say it is art? Art is human-made,…

The Tradition

The Tradition

I get the tradition. Believe me, I get the tradition. The want and the need to “become one” when you’re in love; the excitement of the “forever” promise when a couple says, “I do.” The search for the perfect dress that comes after for some women… I get it all.  But I also get that,…