
Gone Good Old Twitter

Gone Good Old Twitter

I’ve always joked about how “influencers” and Instagram models are going to be so homeless if, one day, IG simply disappears. With its ever-changing algorithm, I’ve always thought of it as a yet another very fleeting moment in time. Because, let’s be honest, IG seems to be the least reliable of all social networks when…

One Long Sad Song

One Long Sad Song

This post is a bit different. Consider it a music meme. So, my Spotify’s most frequently recommended playlist for me is called Sad Hour, and that’s okay — I’m an emotional being and I’ll always honor that. But that’s beside the point. I just wanted to post my “mashed song” because I liked it that much!…

Maybe just chill out

Maybe just chill out

Sometimes, you give too much importance to the irrelevant. Talking about “turn the negative into positive” is always valid and encouraging advice, but how about just letting people feel what they feel at the moment? We’re constantly trying to get in people’s heads and trying to “fix it.” I might be guilty of this, to…

The Odds: Cosmic Significance
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The Odds: Cosmic Significance

If you’ve lived past fifteen years of age on this planet (and, honestly, maybe even less than that), you’ve probably found yourself saying, “small world!” at some point because of a peculiar experience you went through. Whenever this thought pops up, I always remember these lines from the movie 500 Days of Summer: “…you can’t…

What I Thought I Knew

What I Thought I Knew

I said people could stay friends after a breakup because I felt it in my heart that it was true. I thought I knew the other sides’ sentiments, but maybe what I thought I knew wasn’t true. When the “Dear” becomes just a “Hi” you’re left wondering why. I thought you couldn’t be hated for…

Vague Poetic Lines

Vague Poetic Lines

What can I say that Rumi hasn’t already said? What kind of candid snapshot can I take straight out of my unbelievable days to blast on the internet? What can I say that’s different from yesterday? My mind wanders, but it knows it is these, the same old untreatable sores it wants to exhibit, like…