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The Ones Who Stay, The Ones Who Go Away

There are friends who want you to stay
Friends who want you away
Friends in distress
Friends in happiness
Friends from childhood
Friends you just met

There are friends who show up
Friends who give up
Friends who go the extra mile
Friends who won’t walk down one aisle
Friends you can sin with
Friends to go to church with

There are friends who believe in you
Friends who doubt you
Friends who call to check on you
Friends who call to get something from you
Friends who listen when you talk
Friends who only do the talk

There are friends you can get wild with
Friends you can only chill with
Friends who feel like home
Friends who are a ticking bomb
Friends you can’t take anywhere
Friends you can’t go anywhere without

There are friends who tell the truth
Friends who lie to you
Friends who join you on the fight
Friends who’d rather say goodbye
Friends for a lifetime
Friends for one night-stand

There are friends with benefits
Friends you have to babysit
Friends with a world in common
Friends you couldn’t be more different from
Friends who share your viewpoints
Friends who judge if you don’t

There are friends who wish you well
Friends who wish you fail
Friends who are never there but claim to be
Friends who’ve been there through thick and thin
Friends who hold an umbrella in the pouring rain
Friends who think you’re an unsafe hurricane
Friends who say you think you’re the shit
Friends who say you know you’re it

There are friends who meet you half way
Friends who make you drive the whole way
Friends who brag about you
Friends who backstab you
Friends who can easily say I love you
Friends who are afraid to say they do

Friends you keep because you have to
Friends you keep because you want to

And when you connect the dots you wonder, who is really the friend;
the one who claims to be there or the one who always stays?
Some people will never graduate from being just an acquaintance.
Could it be that they’re still friend material, just in their own way?

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