Freethinker meaning of life

No one knows what the meaning of life is. We don’t even know what we’re doing here or where we’re going. So I say to self, might as well take advantage of the space and time that the universe has given me and do some positively amazing things with it.

Except for the days when I can barely move a muscle or open my eyes in the morning, I try. In fact, I overwhelm myself with the amount of things I plan on doing; which I later realize would require time and, oftentimes, money to get it done, which I then realize that to make the money, I’d have to borrow the time, which it then takes me to square one. And the cycle goes on…

This thought brings me to the famous saying that money can’t buy happiness. In our society??? Money can definitely buy you a little bit (at least).

Now and then, I successfully borrow some time to do good, though. That is, when we don’t get in our own way. Bureaucracies and their many unnecessary laws and protocols delay all of our good efforts (like that time I tried to volunteer at a homeless shelter only to find out you can’t just show up there and feed the homeless; there’s a whole system and process in place). There’s food going to waste; there are clothes being thrown away because they never find a recipient on time, when we all know there are so many needy ones, all because of the way the system is designed.

I might have gone off topic a bit here, but what I’m trying to say is that whatever the meaning of life is, I think we’re meant to support one another. I have the sneaking suspicion that it’s not the opposite — what would be the point of creation just for destruction? 

But doing positively amazing things with the time and space you’re taking up in the universe also means doing great things for you. Treat yourself, take care, celebrate your small milestones, grieve when you must, inhale and exhale… 

And when you look back at your life, ask yourself, did I at least have fun? Would I do it again? And if the answer is no, remember that it’s never too late to start doing what you truly love. Maybe even in another lifetime. 

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