We Need More Condom Ads

With all the idiocy going on lately about women and abortion—how politicians and everyone else (especially those without a vagina) want to tell us what to do with our bodies—I was thinking, why are all the responsibilities pushed on women? It takes two to make a baby!

This thought came from watching a condom commercial on TV today. They’re so rare. Why aren’t there more commercials about wearing protection? The more we make the younger generation (and people in general) aware of the available methods of protection, the less we’ll have to deal with the twisted abortion subject. And by the way, I’m pro-choice all the way.

It’s as though people have forgotten how a baby is made. They all talk about the pill, the pill, the pill… but what about men?! They all seem to be making women the only responsible party in procreation. I’m sure women don’t wake up one day feeling like getting pregnant on purpose only to end up having an abortion. Accidents happen. Whatever the reason for an abortion, a man should also be held responsible for the act because he knew exactly what he was doing when he decided to put his penis in that woman’s vagina. (This sounds like elementary sex education, but I guess this is how you’re supposed to teach those with elementary knowledge.)

I just think that this society is out of control and has gotten it all wrong. Cable TV channels, like MTV, are too busy teaching their young viewers how to get f***** up and knocked up at 16. Then what do we get? An entire lost generation with no sense of responsibility.

A lot of celebrities say that they shouldn’t be held responsible for others’ kids’ behavior. That’s true. But what they forget is that—and let me quote Spiderman’s grandfather—”with great power comes great responsibility.” Public figures know everyone is watching their every move. Many people want to be like them. Teenagers want to be like them. So, since kids want to do what they do, I think they should try—or start?—promoting safe sex. I don’t know; just trying to find a solution to this madness here.

Ads that promote protection and birth control methods should be aired more frequently instead of putting all the pressure on women. America needs to start accepting it, too. I read somewhere that some condom ads had been banned in the U.S. Meanwhile, Jersey Shore and “16 & Pregnant” are still being broadcasted? Amazing. I don’t think sex education encourages sex at all; on the contrary, it is what will help teenagers make smart decisions when it comes to sex. Let’s have more educational ads!

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