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Fantasy vs Reality: an Unsolved Mystery

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Fantasy is often better than reality. In the real world, you have to face your truths, or the potential consequences if you don’t follow the “rules.” And there’s no way around it, to escape it, in the real world — other than [morbid drums] death. 

Nostalgia might be a “seductive liar,” but at least it makes sense why we keep going back that way, revisiting happy moments we once lived. It’s easier and better to live there. And a lot of times I find myself saying, yeah but you can’t stay in the past, with so much longing and reminiscing when there’s so much present living to do, which is true.

But what if it was okay to mentally live wherever you please for contentment’s sake? What if you’re meant to follow a natural course, until memories fade, instead of incessantly and unsuccessfully try to silent thoughts and memories of moments that are forever gone? Or, instead of trying to move on so quickly by piling up stories after stories, concealing the pain we didn’t heal from? 

You don’t think so? Then I would genuinely love to know how you know. We can only assume so much through personal experiences, which sometimes help, but I think there’s no clear path to anything in life.

It seems that no matter how hard researchers try to study the brain, some things don’t add up; some things still make no sense. 

So my conclusion will always be this: the mystery of life cannot be solved, only lived. 

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