girl dancing in front of mirror
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Friday Night Plans for Loners

It’s a warm Friday afternoon and, before everyone at work storms out the door and never look back—well, not for the next two days—they’re all telling you about their Friday night plans.

You, a lone soul still navigating your way through a mad city; a city full of people too fake to inspire you to make new friends, don’t have anything planned out. But hey, you could go all out and accept an invite to a house party or maybe to a nightclub, even though you hate those. But the only invitation comes from, what’s her name? The new girl, who doesn’t know yet that everyone is a different person outside of work and extends no invitation to anyone not in their selective circles.

And she’s cool, but from the sound of it, you grow skeptical. “My brother smokes cigars and a few of his friends smoke weed, but that’s about it. It won’t be too wild,” she says about the party.

That’s about it? Cigar smoke is pretty much scented carbon monoxide. Wouldn’t it be lovely to inhale it for a few hours? Of course not. You think about how you’d be all sorts of second-handed; high, sick, and smelling of tobacco. So you pass.

Now you’re back to square one: no weekend plans. That’s when you go on the internet and read this post.

Friday Night Plans for the Loner

We’re all branches of the same old tree. I know that just like with me, this storyline resonates with someone out there. I’m not new to solitude. I’ve had to learn to plan my life around it. That’s why I thought I’d briefly share some of the things I do, not in this particular order, when I have to or want to be alone (but not lonely).

Go out for a walk

Get out of the house. You don’t want your solitude turning into loneliness or your seasonal depression becoming permanent. Get a pair of headphones and march to your favorite tunes. Doesn’t have to be a workout kind of walk, although that’s a good idea. If you have to go somewhere, make it a trip on foot. A lot of times I skip the wheels and kill two birds with one stone by walking to the grocery store to get my “special” drink, which is the next tip.

Grab a bottle of wine and make dinner for one

The prize at the finish line. You might not be a drinker, but if you are, a nice glass of wine while you make yourself a healthy meal is just so delicious and relaxing. I personally don’t like cooking, but unless I want to eat out every day, which I can’t afford, I have to cook. And on my self-care days, after Googling some recipes, of course, I prepare something special for myself. It’s a great treat.

Watch a movie

I know this is what most people do when alone. It’s either Netflix or doom scrolling these days. Not surprisingly, I do it too. Movies, that is. I try to stay away from the infinite scrolling of social media for my own sake. But enjoying a film or my favorite series keeps me well entertained.

Dance or meditate

Something I do a lot of is dancing. No partner needed. I’ve concluded that dancing in front of the mirror can be therapeutic, and it keeps you in good shape if done routinely. And if you want a calmer day, play some low-fi music, lay out a mat, and do a little yoga or some stretches. It’s a good way to collect your thoughts and take some needed breaths.

Organize your home

Alone time means time to get organized. Cleaning is not exactly the most fun thing to do, but unless you have a maid or paid cleaning service, you’re going to have to do it eventually. So may as well get on it. Add music and make it a fun experience.

Go over your bookmarks

This is a good time to catch up with your reading. And all that stuff you’ve been bookmarking online since 2010, but never read? Yep—make this a time to declutter your digital life.

Sing, write, paint

If you’re crafty or an artist, there is no better time to create than when you’re in your quiet space. Sketch, paint, compose, write the book! No time to be bored. Whether your craft is for passing time or for building your brand, quiet alone time is the best. Don’t take it for granted just because it’s a Friday night!

Go out by yourself

If you’re not alone by choice and hate staying in on a weekend, do not worry. Just go out alone and save yourself from unnecessary suffering. I’ve done it plenty of times and I survived. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a night out by yourself. It’s awkward only if you make it awkward. Go see a show, sit at a restaurant or a bar, go to the movies…who cares if you have no company? You might discover that it’s not as uncommon as you think. There are a lot of lonely travelers out there or people who just don’t have anyone to go out with, but won’t let that stop them from enjoying life. And, who knows? You might even find someone.

Trust me; solitude is not that bad, and doing things by yourself certainly is not either. I don’t know what the key to happiness is, but I’d bet making the best of the present is part of it.

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