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Our Standardized Life

girl sitting at computer with coffee

Cluttered minds have a thing or two in common. We can’t just get to our daily tasks like normal people do. A spider web waits outside as we try to climb out of the dark; in other words, out of bed. Do I follow this line or this one over here? And, where does it even lead to?

Every day starts out the same — do I focus on making art or making money today?

A way of living only a few can understand. Talk to the corporate world and they’ll be dazed. “But, how?” they’ll ask, questions pouring out of their brain. A nine-to-five sounds okay (if you think analytically, if a child you’ve made, if happiness means an all American family married by thirty and not at all dismayed).

Funny thing is we all have the same goal: live your best life before you’re dead. But only one pattern seems to be standard in this maze. Society, they call it. Not one good idea came with it, and a standardized life to “fit all” can’t fix our heads.

You like science, great; you over there work well with planes; and you, your agriculture skills have no match in this game. Education is your strength; law and order, you’re so brave. And then there’s us: remarkably artistic, yet making pennies for no-name, only rewarded by guts and (good luck) fame.

Why isn’t this standardized life we’ve made for ourselves, in a world meant to be mixed with experts in all fields, to blame — for financial and academic failures, and the unattainable pursuit of happiness? Why does it have to be this way?

Only one thing can save us, and that is, do it your way.

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