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Self-care: a Must

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woman sitting looking at the ocean

There has never been a more monumental time in our lifetime to honor self-care than the time we’re living in right now. A few years back, there was no hashtag for it, meaning the concept wasn’t even popular.  (Imagine the excuses people used just for a mental escape!)

There was not a lot of talk about it, except for maybe in psychology, or much understanding of the importance of taking some time off to practically watch yourself.

Just like mental health, which has also taken a much needed turn in recent years and which goes hand-in-hand with the whole concept of self-care, we know now that self-care is a crucial step into stabilizing our physical and emotional state.

For years, we’ve been conditioned to believe that we’re thriving only when we work really hard and when we follow certain social patterns — personally and professionally. And in trying to do so, we’ve neglected a lot of the things that make us function humanly.  We’ve subconsciously neglected the part that is supposed to be flawed and have its season changes, to fulfill professional demands.

We’ve even neglected the part that needs to be recharged daily — like the brain — because, instead, we choose to binge watch TV shows, doomscroll, etc., without getting enough rest. Those actions eventually have a negative impact on our health.

So, it goes without saying that taking care of yourself is a must.

What is self-care even?

Self-care is knowing when you’re too overwhelmed to go on with your everyday life, and doing something about it:

It’s going for a long walk because it’ll help you clear your head.

Sitting by the mountain or the beach because you know the views will relieve your stress.

It’s something as simple as saying no, thanks to anyone when you’ve had enough.

Turning down a job, task, or denying a favor because it feels like too much.

Self-care is pausing or stopping your vices because you know you’re better off without.

Taking a long bath, a good deep-tissue massage, taking a long nap.

Going to sleep at a decent time to feel revitalized when you wake up.

Self-care is taking time off to see your loved ones.

Staying away from everyone and being a homebody, if that’s what your peace of mind asks.

It’s venting, it’s laughing out loud.

Just doing what feels best in your heart.

Feeding your soul and your mind with wise words and good advice.

Self-care  is literally doing anything that, deep down, gives you peace and makes you feel all right in and out.

And it’s important to remember that your self-care cannot be defined by anyone… but you.

So go ahead, take good care that a–!

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