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Letters to Ex Lovers – Excerpt 1

I couldn’t understand your urgency that night, wasn’t it past your bedtime?
“Is it true, you’re seeing someone else now?” you asked.
I was so confused. But, “yes,” I replied.
“Do you love him?”
“Of course not.” I laughed. “I just met this guy.”

You never called me before that night. You never showed interest in anything other than back-alley encounters at midnight. Why did you care if someone wanted more of me, more than you ever did? Why did it matter to you now?

I was confused because I felt nothing for you then and I’d thought it was a mutual thing, but little did I know you felt everything. Or was it knowing that you lost the game what triggered your possessiveness? Where was this caring confident man when I wanted to be claimed?

Too late, I said to myself, you had your chance.

That was then. No longer confused today. I’m writing to let you know that, in a twist of fate, I didn’t know what I did to you until to me someone did the same. The worst part? I have no right to protest. I can do nothing but stay still and watch from afar as he breaks my heart, the only proximity I’m allowed.

You at least got your way, that night you called you somewhat found closure, lucky guy. You heard from my own lips, not in some wicked way, the bitter news. Yes, your weekends would be drier, but your pockets would be fuller and your smile — it is now wider.

I started writing LETTERS TO EX-LOVERS and I wanted to share an excerpt with my readers. I still don’t know in what format/ways or platform I’ll publish the finished product, but you can always come back here for updates. : -)

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