
Looking at the round, bright moon above this night made me think about our own phases. When it blooms; when it’s full and in all its glory, hardly anyone would say it’s not a beautiful moon. Just like the moon, you have your stages. And, each one of them is special, and each one of them has its purpose, and each one of them is unique and beautiful.

Works in progress work that way; they are for tweaking and learning. They’re ever changing and evolving and teaching everyone who witnesses the process.

So, those days when you hopelessly tell yourself, yeah, but this WIP stage just never ends (and I would know), perhaps it is worth noting that neither do the moon phases. And yet, there it is. Still impressive. Yes — perennial, repetitive, predictable — like life itself. But maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be? I don’t know and neither does anyone, but we can always try to make sense of it all in our own (poetic?) ways.

It’s OK to question and over-analyze life. It can lead us to answers and make us feel better about things, about the mysteries that lie beneath everything that on this earth we breathe, and to look forward to the good things that new phases may bring. Feel free to grab a glass of [your drink of choice] and meditate it away.

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