Early Signs of Your True Calling

Did you always know what you were meant be?

Every now and then, it hits me, that even though I was so painfully introverted I could pass as a mute when I was a child, I always had a lot to say. And maybe the proof is in all the times I was punished for talking back.

The other day, I was having a conversation with my mom. We were just reminiscing about my childhood and how she used to call me “malcriada” in Spanish because I never shut up when asked to. All my siblings knew better, but I always had to get that last word out. Whenever I was blamed for something that I knew I didn’t do or something I did for a justifiable reason, I would keep talking until I was heard.

It was always in self-defense, though. I couldn’t bear staying quiet when I knew I had done nothing wrong. Our conversation reminded me that I’ve never tolerated injustice. I’ve always been affected by the power of words, positively and negatively.

The consequences for talking back were harsh. Yet, to me, any price was worth speaking up my mind.

It is said that a strong voice is one trait of a writer, so it’s interesting to see now how it has all played out. I’m in the front of a lot of things and in control of my life because of this voice.

My mom and I laugh at the memories now. But I wish my family had seen through me and pushed me to do something where I could use my voice, instead of seeing strong-mindedness as a negative thing.  I urge parents to pay close attention to their kids’ typical behaviors. Maybe it’s a sign of their true calling in life.

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