Replaceable (excerpt)

Replaceable (excerpt)

If they’re intimidated by the thorn, they don’t deserve the flower. It’s taken a lot of tears and a self-diagnosed clinical state of denial to reach this emotionally intelligent level. I’ve come to understand that you can have a heart of gold—the biggest, softest, and kindest of them all, and genuinely believe deep within your…

The Real Ones

The Real Ones

It hurts to admit when a friendship has run its course. But it hurts more to keep holding on. It’s been said over and over again, but the truth is it does. You keep feeding your expectations just to end up disappointed once again. There’s nothing quite as complicated as interpersonal relationships. It is said…

Self-care: a Must

Self-care: a Must

There has never been a more monumental time in our lifetime to honor self-care than the time we’re living in right now. A few years back, there was no hashtag for it, meaning the concept wasn’t even popular.  (Imagine the excuses people used just for a mental escape!) There was not a lot of talk…