The Eternal Fight for Women’s Rights

What can I say about the “Supreme” Court decision on Roe vs Wade that I haven’t already said? I am at a loss for words.

The fact that a political party has had an agenda this entire time to, essentially, disrespect women and make us suffer is simply incomprehensible. I keep asking myself why? Because this is not about defending “precious life” — they already lost that argument long time ago when they decided guns have more rights than people; when they decided the mass murders of innocent children are totally okay. This is not about them being “pro-life,” so please save it.

This is about their religious views, which they’re trying to impose on everyone. Their stance is beyond hypocrital and pathetic.

I am saddened and angry that this absurdity is allowed in a so-called developed country. And, I am particularly upset with and disappointed by the women celebrating this abortion ban because it means way more than what they think it means.

How can you be okay oppressing other women? How can you be okay with your own damn freedom and rights being taken away? I can’t wrap my head around any of this logic.

I do know that you can’t strip millions of women of their natural right to choose for themselves and expect compliance. We’re going to take legal control of our fate right back. This fight isn’t over.

Anyway, before this post takes a turn for the negative, I’m going to stop here for now.

Below is a video of journalist Ana Kasparian giving a speech on abortion rights worth of a standing ovation. She expresses my exact sentiments on the matter. Enjoy.

Stay strong.

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